New to NA?


We're glad you're here. Freedom from addiction is possible with the help of other recovering addicts in Narcotics Anonymous. If you're not sure that you are an addict, don't worry. Just keep coming back to our meetings. 

Our message is simple. We have found a way to live without using drugs, and we are happy to share that solution with anyone who thinks they may have a drug problem. 

Beginner's Meeting

Do you think you might have a problem with drugs? Unsure where to start? New to NA? Do you have questions about NA? Join us for a 30-minute introduction to Narcotics Anonymous. We will go over the basics of how it works and answer all of your questions.

Mondays at 7pm EST

Zoom Link: 

Meeting ID: 819 5172 0212

Passcode: 1212

Find A Meeting in Northwestern Ontario

Currently, we have meetings in both Thunder Bay and Fort Frances. However, the Northwestern Ontario Area of Narcotics Anonymous serves communities from Marathon to the Manitoba border. If you are interested in starting a meeting in a community within our Area, please contact us at Click below for a complete list of local NA meetings.

Northwestern Ontario Area Meetings 

Literature For New Members

It may help to read some of our informational pamphlets to learn about the basics of the NA Program and what to expect at your first meeting.

Am I An Addict? 

Welcome to Narcotics Anonymous 

For the Newcomer 

An introduction to NA meetings 

Other information NA pamphlets 


One of the first suggestions many of us hear when we begin attending NA meetings is to get a sponsor. As a newcomer, you may not understand what this means. What is a sponsor? How do we get and use one? Where do we find one? Check out the pamphlet below for a brief introduction to sponsorship.


I still have questions. Can I talk to an NA member?

Our volunteers are ready to respond to you. You can contact us via email or call us toll-free below.